Area: Injisuthi

Mafadi Hike (SA’s Highest Peak)
Mafadi, at 3450m above sea level, is the highest peak in South Africa. A big dome several hundred of metres away from the edge escarpment, its ascent doesn’t require any technical skill but a high standard of physical fitness and gear. This is usually a 4-day/3-night hike with great caves and incredible views. A t ...

Ape's Pass
This pass is accessed via Gibisella ridge or by coming up via Marble Baths. It is a potentially dangerous path.

Battle Cave
This cave is located in the Injasuthi (translated as valley of the well-fed dog) valley and is a 5-hour hike from the Injasuthi camp. The cave is fenced so cannot be accessed without a guide.
Interpretation: The human figures appear to be arranged in a composition that suggests a fight. Some figures have arrows notche ...

Battle Cave Hike
From Injisuthi Camp follow the route towards Fergy's Cave and then take the right fork along the Injisuthi River approximately 4kms from the start and about 1km before Fergy's Cave.
Total distance to the cave is 5.7km and an climb of only 258m.
The cave is fenced so cannot be accessed without a guide. Contact: 036&nb ...

Battle Cave to Injisuthi Cave, Grindstone Caves & Catar...
This hike begins at Injasuti camp and follows a circular route via Grindstone Caves, the waterfalls and Cataract Valley. The path follows the Mhlwazini River back to the camp. A moderate 4 hrs hike (13km)

Centenary Hut
Lacated in Injasuti. The hike to this delapidated hut is past Fergy's Cave and then a severe uphill hike near the end. The views are outstanding and a hike to this hut should be on everyone's to do list.
As their are no windows its best to take a tent and sleep near the hut.

Centenary Hut Hike
A difficult 10.5km hike starting at Injisuthi Camp to Centenary Hut but worth every aching muscle once you get to the top. The first 7.5 km's are easy and then the "little" hill to climb up to the hut. It seems never ending at times but is most definitely achievable by most people, take it easy up the hill and you will ...

Corner Pass
Corner Pass is not technically difficult but does involve some scrambles around boulders. There is no specific path to follow, generally going along the narrow gully is best.

Dead Dog Cave

Dinosaur Cave
This cave has dinosaur footprints and its exact location is thus not shown.

Fergy's Cave
This cave is close to a river and found on the route towards Centenary Hut.

Grindstone Cave
This series of caves are a 2 hour walk from the Injisuthi camp. There are 5 caves in a row below the the sandstone cliffs stretching for about 1 kilometre. Only 2 of the caves are painted but other than one excellent painting of an eland the paintings are very worn and indistinct. The first 2 caves are not painted and ...

Grindstone Caves and Cataract Valley Hike
A moderate 4 hrs hike (13 kms) This hike begins at injasuti camp and follows a circular route via Grindstone Caves, the waterfalls and Cataract Valley. The path follows the Mhlwazini River back to the camp.

Grindstone Caves Hike
From Injisuthi Camp head past Yellowwood forest for a steep 4.2km's hike all uphill with an elevation gain of 377m. It sometimes feels like even more.
The cave sleeps 12 and the views down the valley from the cave are spectacular, definitely worth spending a night over in this cave.

Hilton Pass
Hilton Pass is found in the Injisuthi area. It may involve rock scrambling and possibly even abseiling. It is a very challenging pass.

Injisuthi Dome / Summit
The Injisuthi Dome is is one of the highest peaks in the Drakensberg.

Injisuthi Eastern Triplett

Injisuthi Greater Buttress

Injisuthi Lesser Buttress

Injisuthi Middle Triplet
Located in the Central Drakensberg.

Injisuthi Nature Reserve
Injisuthi is cradled between the Delmhlwazini and Old Woman streams at the head of the Injisuthi Valley, surrounded by Cathkin Peak, Monks Cowl and Champagne Castle. Injisuthi is a central pivot to the variety of hiking trails that lead across the mountains, north to Cathedral Peak and south to Giant's Castle.
The Mde ...

Injisuthi Pass
Injisuti Pass is a true test of endurance. It is tough, steep and involves a fair amount of scrambling over boulders and up small waterfalls. It is not suitable for an inexperienced hiker.

Injisuthi Summit Cave (Upper)
Injusuthi Summit Cave at 3289m is the highest cave in the Drakensberg. The cave offers good shelter and out of this world views.

Injisuthi to Centenary Hut and Marble Baths Cave
A three day, two nights hike starting at Injisuthi Camp. Each day of this circular route has its own unique views and hiking challenges.
Day one to Centenary is a testing 10.5km to Centenary Hut, wake up the next morning to a stunning sunrise. Day 2 is the day without paths, a steep downhill and then a small climb nea ...

Injisuthi Western Triplett

Judge Pass
Judge Pass is a steep pass which calls for some rock scrambling. The path is very clear. It is located in the Injisuthi region of the Berg.

Junction Cave
Junction Cave is in the Injisuthi area, a little bit further along from Marble Baths Cave. This cave is no longer shown on maps and should be avoided because of flood danger.

Leslie's Pass
Leslie's Pass is relatively easy to hike, it is just very long. Leslie's and Injisuthi pass are the only routes to the top in the Injisuthi area.

Lithobolong Peak (Shepherd Ridge)
Lithobolong Peak is the seventh-highest mountain in South Africa, it is located in Injisuthi near Red Wall Peak.

Lower Injisuthi Cave
The Lower Injisuthi Cave sleeps 12 people and offers level floors and good protection from the elements.

Mafadi/Ntheledi peak is the highest peak in South Africa,The name Mafadi (meaning the Mother of Fadi). The original Sotho name Ntheledi (meaning "Makes me slip", refers to the nearby stream) it is considered by some to be a more relevant and the correct name.

Marble Baths Cave
A lovely cave only 50m from Marble Baths, sleeps at least 8 people.Its an easy day hike to the cave and well worth staying a night over in the cave.

Marble Baths Cave (Annex)
Smaller the Marble Baths Cave but does offer even more protection from the wind and rain. The cave top is very low in the sleeping area. Its an easy day hike to the cave and well worth staying a night over in the cave.

Marble Baths Hike
From Injisuthi Camp follow the route towards Fergy's Cave, after 5km's turn right crossing over the river, only 3km's and 200m elevation to go. The path is on the left side of the valley and slowly climbs higher towards Marble Baths.
Marble Baths Cave and Annex are 50m from Marble Baths should you choose to sleep over ...

Marble Baths via Grindstone Caves Hike
From Injisuthi Camp head past Yellowwood forest for a steep 3.8 km's hike all uphill to Grindstone Caves, continue up past the caves, the views at the top of the Drakensberg are stunning.
Follow the path South West across the ridge for 3km's of relatively flat walking, then downhill and towards Marble Baths. A good ma ...

Old Kraal and Yellowwood Forest Hike
This is a short walk in the vicinity of the camp. From the office at Injasuti take the Cowl Stream fork. At the top of the incline turn left to the walls of the old kraal. And shortly after that left again to the old woman stream. After crossing the river turn left and follow the path back to camp. An easy 1 hr hike (2 ...

Old Man

Old Woman Grinding Corn

Popple Peak
Popple Peak is in the Injisuthi area. The peak is named after John Poppleton.

Red Wall Peak

Scaly Peak

Spare Rib Cave Hike
Injasuti. Proceed up Bannerman Pass from Bannerman Hut. The cave is near the top of the escarpment on the left hand side. A severe 2 hrs hike (3kms)

The Ape

The Corner

The Judge

The Molar

Trojan Wall

van Heyningen's Pass
Van Heyningen's Pass can be walked as a round trip. It is located in the Injisuthi area.